Cheerful Sam
Half-Dragon Warlock
AC: 14 HP: 16/16
PP: 9 PIv: 14 PIs: 10
Conditions: --

Laughing awkwardly, Sam rubs the back of his neck and waves off Senna's pestering. "I like vegetable soup actually."

Lurking on the chair Aintas vacated, Grepha looks up with an eye roll. "She's going to find out sooner or later."

Flicking his eyes down to the chair, Sam takes the last of his soup and chugs it down out of the bowl. Then he looks back at Senna with the most serious face he can muster. He reaches out and places a clawed hand on her shoulder. "Senna. I hear demons in my head."

"I'm not a bloody demon!"

Unable to resist taking a comedic cue, Sam suddenly hops off of his stool and practically prances away up the stairs to find his room. Grepha is yanked off of her chair, unable to get in the air before the pact chain snaps taut, and dragged invisibly behind Sam, yowling like an angry cat.