To me, Solomon is definitely acting immorally* here. He knows, with absolute certainty, that he could kill every other participant with minimum effort and absolutely no risk. He incites their greed with allowing them back into the ring. It doesn't matter if they are attacking him to kill him, he knows they cannot. He might as well have told a million naked babies that he will give them free candy if they manage to touch him and then brought out his automatic weapons. He knows that his response to White Chain will create a whole bunch of needless deaths. It only serves to create the image of his righteousness, that he was attacked by the greedy, that he tried to level the playing field. It is an image. Solomon is all about image.

That said, the underlying philosophy of might makes right that he adheres to is NOT wrong in this world. Democracy, personal liberties, all take a back seat to survival. The current real world crisis makes clear that most people accept greater restrictions on their right to travel, congregation, etc, if it means safety, and unlike the real world virus the threat in the comic is either slavery, drudgery or non-existence in the hands of any other Demiurge.

The question is, to me, if Solomon's self-aggrandizement, is then justified? He is important, almost irreplaceable and the cost is the deaths of thousands of persons who were either stupid or greedy on their own. Does it matter that I also believe that he took advantage and entrapped them in their own greed and stupidity?

At the very least, if not justified, I think his actions may be easily excused.

*per my standards - let's not get bogged down in debating moral relativism/absolutism - better men and women have tried, still trying, and will try.