I adopted a new dog about two weeks ago. He is a very good dog, but, for the first time since the 1980s, I have a dog that destroys toys by chewing them up. In the last few days he has pulled the squeaker and most of the stuffing out of one of his two stuffed toys (and unraveled some of the rope). He also counter-surfed an empty plastic milk jug before I could take it out to the recycling and chewed on it and chased it around the house for two days until I took it away from him (when it got to the point that he could pull pieces of plastic off of it and thus became a choking/digestive hazard).

My recently previous dogs were mostly uninterested in toys and would at best occasionally carry a stuffy around without chewing it up. Clearly, my current dog is going to need a different category of toy for both his safety and my budget.

What's good these days in terms of dog toys that are satisfying to chew and hard to destroy? He is a 50-ish pound basset mix. He likes to shake his stuffies around and chase them as well as chew on them. He mostly prefers stuffies to the ball I also bought for him but will occasionally chase that as well. His very favorite toy so far was the milk jug, which he carried around the house and slept with until I had to confiscate it. So far, he has been very good about confining his chewing to either his dog toys or my recycling rather than anything I'd be sad to lose, but I don't want him to run out of acceptable targets, so I need to find him something durable yet satisfying before he destroys the rest of his current stash and tries to solve his own problems.