Because we as a species are lucky. We have more control over our planet than any other species, because we understand the circumstances that we live in. We understand what threats are out there, and what we have to do to survive. Mice don't have that. What did that mouse understand? Clearly, it didn't know what a mousetrap was. What did it think about the world they lived in? Your room, your bed, it was nature to it. All it really must have understood was that it needed to eat.

And well, look how that turned out.

The really scary bit? It doesn't matter. How many mice die from mousetraps daily? How many people cared enough to post about it on the internet. I barely cared enough about a mouse dying to open this thread. And while we will talk about it, you'll forget, and I'll forget, and nothing that mouse did, including dying, will matter at all.