So, Kibler posted a deck to twitter last night, Quest Warrior. I always wanted to see Hack the System work, so I decided to give it a whirl.

It's really fun, and shockingly good. You have weapons, cheap removal, rush minions, and armor to contest aggro. You have absurd value generation between lackeys and your upgraded hero battle to win resource battles against grindier control decks. It really is the ideal midrange deck I've been looking for for a long time. Since last night I climbed from rank 5 to halfway through rank 3. Probably about 15-20 games played so far. In that time I've managed a positive win rate against Demon Hunter, but managed to grind down a resurrect priest (as in did not just zerg him down, he went through both mass resurrects, plague of death, etc, and lost when he ran out of cards in hand while I still had a full hand and board), and took a Reno mage into Fatigue before winning.

Notable losses included a Druid who on turn 4 had 8 mana and played Elise, doubling up Ysera and Zephrys, and immediately after playing Ysera on turn 9, with 21 cards left in deck, he proceeded to hit 2 portals, getting an Alex and the Warlock dragon that summons a 6/6 anytime you take damage. I am not sure anything could have beat that particular draw.

Also lost to a Totem Shaman who managed to snowball faster than I could keep up. I cleared all his totems early game, but mid game he dropped a lackey totem into reflection into +1/+1 to all allies, for a pair of 3/5 lackey totems, of which I was only able to deal with 1. The following turn he reflectioned again, then doubling axed, to have a pair of 5/7 lackey totems. Even then it was still a good back and forth for a while, and I eventually cleared with a brawl, but he managed to take me low enough that I lost to a 3x 0 mana give a totem +2 attack + lava burst to face.

Deck code in case anyone's interested:
