Quote Originally Posted by Velaryon View Post
Congrats on Achilles! He seems really good based on the support one I used earlier.

Extra bonus from Jalter plus bonus damage against actual dragons does sound like a useful niche. I think I'm gonna build Mordred first though. Might do Siegfried next - it's either him or Tomoe for sure. I don't really need Fionn since I've got a lot of good lancers and he seems kinda sketchy anyway.
Thanks! All signs point to Achilles being an excellent all-around Rider, particularly for someone like me who doesn't have as much flexibility in team-building as a more established player. I won't hesitate to say that about the only Servant on any banner I've rolled on recently that would have been more impactful to pull is Jeanne (or Waver, but he's usually easy to find on my friends list if I want him), so I'm quite pleased. While Ushiwakamaru wasn't one of my weaker class frontrunners (that would go to Euryale and debatably Medea), and I'll probably still use her in Caster-heavy environments, Achilles is both a very capable tank and a devastating damage dealer who's both a great farmer (NP battery and an AOE NP, it's a no-brainer) and good at tough fights (Target Focus, multi-use Invulnerability with an added defense buff, excellent crit rates and star generation). And he's got good animations and is easy on the eyes. Everything I could possibly want out of a Servant.

... If you have access to Mordred, how could you not use her? Best Saberface, and my favorite Apocrypha character (barely edging out Vlad). I might even trade Altera for her, and getting me to pick someone over Giant Alien Waifu isn't easy.

In Event news... I quite like this one so far. It's grindy, sure, but at least there's a pretty good variety of battles to grind through (not just Flaming Mountain twenty times then Tianzhu twenty times), and the rewards have been pretty good from the start. I don't think I've done a quest, including the little ones, that didn't drop an extra Material or two. Not to mention the... Wow, five million QP I've gained from it already.