Akmenos decides to use this opportunity to regale the innkeeper with a slightly exaggerated tales of his group's adventure with the goblins while ordering drinks for the table.

"Vele, of course we would love to have drinks. Four mugs of ale, one each for myself and my companions and make it the good stuff. We are parched from our travels. We've only just escaped by the skin of our teeth after having to fight our way through a goblin camp, you know. Nasty little monsters, goblins. It's as if the gods put the personality of a demon into the body of a child. I've been stabbed in the legs more times in the past two weeks than I've been stabbed everywhere on my body in my whole life. They fight unfairly, as well. Never one on one, no. You'd be lucky if you only came across ten of them! They leap out of trees, from behind rocks and out from hidden holes in the ground. They're all teeth and spear points and dagger blades.

"Anyhow, there we were..." and Akmenos goes into a story that involves the group fighting back an endless horde of goblins that highlights everyone's fighting or magical capabilities.

Spoiler: Akmenos's tall tale of slaying goblins / Deception
