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Thread: Erfworld 47 (Page 43)

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    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default Re: Erfworld 47 (Page 43)

    Quote Originally Posted by ryos View Post
    So. Units pop, just like a strategy game. How do they age? Or do they? I suppose we'll have to wait and see...again...
    Have you ever played a strategy game where the units survived long enough to age?

    I start to feel the same, though my fuse burnt out a bit later, when Parson mentioned Wednesday Addams to Wanda. Parson should already know that Erfworld is totally ignorant of Earth culture. So that reference was told solely to us, the Earth audience. (The reference could still fired at us with a thought bubble, instead of telling).
    That's the joke. He expected her to ask "Who is Wednesday Addams?", not "What's a child?"
    Last edited by Aquillion; 2007-04-22 at 04:04 AM.