Gaks and Freya's spells combine to bring down the lead worg, shattering the formation that was already crumbling. This isn't helped by Aetus deftly taking out all four remaining goblin riders in a flurry of arrows, leaving only the pack of worgs to contend with.

The one that Roswyn cut off from escaping to the north and struck, lacking any direction or guidance, bursts away from his attacker through into the treeline right into Aetus. Surprised, it lunges onto him, knocking him onto his back and biting into the arm that he flung up to protect his exposed neck. The dead goblin rider flops precariously back and forth on the worg's back as it shuffles left and right trying to get, a farcical mockery of life and death. Another worg manages to free itself, and rushes to attack Roswyn from behind.


Three central worgs are webbed. One broke free of the entangle but then got webbed (good job).
Aetus is knocked prone.
Roswyn can use her reaction to attack the fleeing worg if she wants, but I didn't calculate it changing how the turns go so I'll leave the rolls up to you.