Quote Originally Posted by Anteros View Post
Eh, he's also lost to Batman on more than one occasion. Comics just aren't consistent at all.
There's JLU Cartoon Amazo and DC Comics Amazo and they are incredibly different. Amazo's powerful in the comics and other medium. But no versions of Amazo have been as powerful as the one depicted in the JLU cartoon.

As for the book of Infinite Pages. Let's set the record straight. It does have infinite pages. But they're not physical things. The place where the book is held is a dimension where forgotten comic book characters go. It's a place of imagination where things both exist and do not exist. So it does not follow the laws of physics.

The book is supposed to hold within it every story that can be told, has been told, will never be told. It's the imagination of every being that has ever existed and will ever exist. It's Story itself.

Holding the book is you holding the weight not of pages, it's you holding the weight of possibility. It is an actual physical weight in that universe, but it's not the weight of infinite pages.