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My notes for future arcs:

Spoiler: World Enders Club Saga

Wilfred Ainsley Slaughterton, The World-Bleeder
Cadswallow Killsbury, Planetary Pool Player
Douglas Deathingway, The Player of Games
-is basically that one Jojo character who challenges the heroes to games unrelated to martial arts to decide whether a planet lives or dies with some kind of power to make sure it happens

Barnum Scamatrillion, Cynicism's Proof
Wesley Chokinthorpe, The Fair Chance Flip
-is basically planet-scale Two Face

Tetrona Torturo Violaski, The Descending Cubes Stylist
-martial arts style based on tetris

Jonathon Smashstone, The Stoic Poker Stylist
Jazzie Bang, The Cheating Gambler Stylist
Daniel Symphario, The Casino King Stylist
-these three styles based upon various kinds of gambling, with stoic poker being the fairest and Casino King being the most powerful and environment-controlling

Vincent Slashentine, The Suffering Edge Nobility Stylist

Karsis Scamatrillion, The Cyberspace Wanderer Stylist
-martial arts style based on internet stuff?

Zaroff Kilsine, Hunter of the Strongest And his pet Lavos
-wants to hunt most dangerous game: ki users
-has tamed a lavos from chrono trigger and feeds planets to it.

Killiana Jones, The Pre-Archeologist
-not sure what I meant by this title?

The Butler, Master of Dutiful Service Style
-very strong and competent despite humble appearance, outpowering most of the club.

Leader: Mistress Entropia Delacroix Wiltinmire
-supposed to be foil to Vodkana, big fangirl of Beerus

plot: World Enders Club come to galaxy, act as if their destruction of planets is a game? have a wheel of fortune? televise it for style?

Morality: these guys are pretty much card carrying villains. no need to be concerned about their lives.

Spoiler: Majin Playtime Saga

Vanele, The Shiver Majin:
The majin of primordial ice. She loves ice cream of all flavors and will eat any ice cream she sees. She creates ice sculptures and snow-art whenever she wants, ice skates on every lake she comes across, and picks snowball fights with random strangers. If she ever watches the Frozen movie she will sing “Let It Go” perfectly, repeatedly and constantly well past the point of everyone else being sick of it. She can be very cold to those who anger her, but can be very generous when you display kindness in her presence, but this doesn't mean she will listen to you. She stays away from hot areas and will avoid them whenever possible, and sunny days are annoying to her.

Spi-Spi the Toasty Majin:
The majin of primordial fire. She is easily angered, seemingly getting angry at various little things, with no telling what will set her off, and she can be one of the most dangerous majins to be around. She loves spicy food and when fed it, one can see her in a sunny disposition. She is also however an artist and when she gets inspired, she throws herself passionately into making whatever she has in mind with reckless, feverish abandon until its finished. She loves the heat of combat and will join in whenever shes one just because she can. When her rages or rushes of passion go on for too long, she burns out and falls into an ashen burn out state where she becomes depressed and tired, unable to do much of anything and likely to fall asleep until she can recover her energy. However when happy plants grow around her, as if she radiates sunlight.

Hexi, the Spooky Majin:
The Majin of Magic. While she has a bigger vocabulary than the others, she can only speak magic words she learns from the book she carries around and when spoken those words always have an effect. Hexi doesn't actually grasp the meaning behind any of these words, only seeing the sounds and effects she makes as toys to play and have fun with, laughing at the chaos her magic causes and thinking its all a show or something. She is confused when people say words and nothing happens, and wishes she can fix it so that things happen when they make sounds so they can have fun as well. She likes cats and tries to adopt black ones, but they always run away. She has an odd tendency to accidentally cause things that are considered bad luck to happen. She is endlessly fascinated by Halloween costumes, day of the dead festivals, graveyards, haunted houses and bones.

Viva, the Melon Majin:
The Majin of Life, or in other words, the Majin of Ki, Viva loves to eat. While she will eat anything, she has a particular preference for watermelons. When angered she snarls and begins transforming into animalistic forms. When she sees even the slightest drop of pollution she flies into a rage and destroys all the technology around her. She distrusts clearly mechanical things and will snarl at them if they are doing something she doesn't understand. She picks up martial arts abilities and other physical movements incredibly easily, and her fighting potential is nearly limitless. She loves animals, but will also kill and eat them if they don't like her.

Dia, the Sparkly Majin:
The Majin of Matter, Dia is vain. She constantly gathers gems and pretty dresses, puts them on herself so she can display. She always wants to be the center of attention and will upstage any movie, music or theatrical performance by self-inserting herself into it. She loves showing off, and tries to be beautiful and elegant as possible. At the same time, she is a bit of a trickster and loves making other people look silly by pulling pranks. She also loves making art out of crystals and gems and making them shiny and sparkly as possible. When she gets angry, her stomps can cause earthquakes at the weakest.

Zapple, the Zappy Majin:
The Majin of Electricity. He constantly runs. There is rarely a moment where he is not in motion, and he is so fast he can be anywhere in the universe at any time. He is constantly delighted and full of wonder at modern civilizations power lines and networks of electricity, jumping into screens and traveling across the world instantly through the currents and waves. Despite knowing how fast he runs, for some reason he loves finding random vehicles to steal and ride on as fast he can make them go, seemingly enjoying the experience more than the actual amount of speed itself.

When he is angered, he becomes Negatively Charged and acquires a stormy, moody disposition. His skin turns dark blue his hair white, and so on. His lightning goes from yellow to blue, and a storm forms above him and follows him wherever he goes. Beware, due to his negative charge he can cause a lot of antimatter explosions just by touching things. Worse, once he's negatively charged he stays that ways for weeks even if he calms down, usually equal to the amount of time he spent Positively Charged. During these times he can be depressive, causing rainstorms with his crying, have sudden flashes of anger punctuated with actual lightning,

The Last Two:
These last two are more complicated, as Space and Time are more complex and abstract forces to comprehend and understand, and thus harder to figure out what people embodying those forces think and what their goals are.

Orbiko, the Astro Majin:
She is the Majin of Space. In her natural pure state, she teleports about ceaselessly, casually collects shiny things into her pocket dimension, rearranges the positions of things for fun, messes with gravity for fun making things float just because she can, tours the galaxy to see the sights and remake them, Can be everywhere at once by making clones if she wants to, can turn intangible, can punch someone from any distance, open portals between any two points, summon others, make her own pocket dimensions, and so on. Her attention is scatterbrained and often ADHD in terms of focus. She has a need to fill anything she finds to be empty with little bits of fire and things that spin and go in circles.

With the power to be anywhere at anytime, and see anywhere and everywhere, thus her awareness and ability to be anywhere, to reshape and resize anything, to have the power of the cosmos themselves. She comprehends the exact nature of how insignificant most beings are and how vast the cosmos is.
Her non-evil absorption of a mortal long ago gives a deeper story that I haven't figured out yet, granting her intelligence and ability to use her powers more competently for some goal I haven't figured out.

Salabim, the Chrono-Majin:
He is the Majin of Time. With his power to rewind bits of time, he believes that there is no consequences for his actions. He sees the true nature of time and in doing so wants to screw with people as much as possible for his own enjoyment, as to him everyone is simultaneously already dead, always alive, and also having never been born. He tortures people and planets by repeatedly killing them in different ways and then rewinding their personal time back before they die. He also has control over peoples perception as an outgrowth of his control over time, and can create illusions as well as make people see a parallel universe instead of whats happening in their own universe despite not being in that parallel timeline.

Frankly, his unfiltered perception of time renders him completely insane. He can't tell the difference between whats real and what isn't, what is happening and what will never happen, whats possible and whats impossible, whats past, whats future, and whats present. Thus to him its all illusions and variables to control, and whether someone or something exists or not is purely a matter of perception or opinion, and if people are already dead and also never been born, their opinion doesn't matter. Is completely and utterly evil and will never stop his torments

Plot: some person goes around releasing the majins for some goal. Majins being mostly innocent and without comprehension of modern day stuff, just play and cause chaos in their innocence. Until the last two come in.

Morality: mostly light as most of the majins are innocent. Space Majin intended to be sympathetic. Time Majin completely joker-levels of crazy and a reality warping threat.

Spoiler: Second Unkillables Saga

General Changes to Unkillable bio-androids:
All kept separate. No familial connection. Pure paramilitary protocols. Modified for Soldier mindset and to fight for money, complete empathy suppression. False memories to give them loyalty to Kalzin.

Possible androids:
Grey Ants:
-Has two infinite energy drives, arcosian, namekian and saiyan DNA, and the all modifications of the Gen 1 Unkillables except for Black Scorpion's lack of hands.
-Like Yellow Queen, is optimized for reproduction
-unlike Yellow Queen, Grey Ant has her brain removed and a strange server put in its place, where it basically routes all the players of a VR battleground game Deglargo sells to take control of a single Grey Ant for them. Thus providing them both a military and a way profitable game to sell.
-does not speak
-organizes Grey Ant Army to fight as teams.
-can hack computers to do as it needs to, Skynet style
-original body is nothing but a husk to produce more Grey Ants to fight. Her brain is put on ice.
-Grey Ants when not controlled are emotionless weapons.
- is supposed to be the “mooks” of this saga.

Has two infinite energy drives, Majin, Ork and Keldasian DNA. Thus can regenerate, breathe in space, never tires, constantly improves in battle without needing to be injured, unleashes spores that create more of him.
-has Yankar DNA for breadth of techniques
-has deadened emotions, soldier mindset, motivated by money, disciplined., uses telepathy to communicate with others of his model
-has false memories, giving him loyalty to Kalzin

-Has two infinite energy drives
-DNA of a Slaughter Demon, Majin and Keldasian, Blizzan
-Empowered and obsessed with blood and flies into rages and slaughters everything in its path. Uses Bloody Slaughter Style
-has false memories, giving him loyalty to Kalzin

-two infinite anti-ki energy drives
-Vampire powers: necrotic regeneration, turn others into undead that follow her orders, decaying blasts, drain blood, turn into bat, mist form, mesmerize mortals by looking in the eyes,
-cybernetic powers: infect people with her nanorobotics to turn them into undead cyborgs at the same, anti-holy shielding,

-Has two infinite energy drives.
-DNA of Tarasai, Deus, Arkea, Yewa and Kurumo, as well Majin and Keldasian DNA
-Knows all the Kai styles the wield and can combine them to do incredible feats of martial power.
-Has false memories put into him, making him a loyal soldier.

-has two infinite energy drives
-DNA of Majin and Keldasian, God Emperor of Mankind, Apfel

Kalzin's Majindroid Harem:
A majindroid harem Kalzin made to fulfill his trash fantasies. Acts as a deconstruction of the concept by showing the majindroids personalities break down when he doesn't treat them like people.

Jantara, The Fiery Tsundere
Abracadabra, The Genki Girl
Charme, The Ojou Cat Girl
Sesame, The Shrinking Violet Meganekko
Taraji, The Elegant Goth Kuudere
Legerde, The Emotionless Maid

Sympathetic characters:
Orkomajin 45:
Has two infinite energy drives, Masala, Beryl, Jade, Pinappla and Mekrashins DNA, and all the biological advantages, memories and techniques that come with
-Wants to specifically fight the Refera family out of jealousy that she can't love them like the original people they are and can't have the same relationships, thus seeking a rival like relationship instead.
-dual-wields chain swords, as well as scythes, katanas, harp bow, electric guitar,
-Broke out of the Memory Falsifier thanks to Berade's rift and her attack.

Plot: Kalzin is recklessly trying to produce and sell new majindroid models on some planet, and takes in a different direction than purely military, selling weaker models as cute majindroid maids to make them more popular with consumers, but has a dark secret in that they all require eating cookies made from people to keep them from going crazy, already having a city catch onto his craze.

Morality: darker as Kalzin is deliberately making bio-androids for his own selfish fantasies and desires and treating them as objects while selling them to others so that they'll be servants, while also trying for more thorough methods to make sure they are loyal

Spoiler: Android 24 Saga

various Android 23 parallel universe counterparts:
An army of Android 23's that almost all in some way are failed or more cynical versions of Jade Refera depending what choices were made differently or what circumstances happened to her, all with their own opinions and methods on how to stop Android 24, some are more evil than others and many of them consider any sacrifice worth preserving existence. Notable ones include:
Goddess of Destruction 23
Knight of Time 23
Majindroid 23
Bio-android 23
Empress Jade
Sans 23
Evil Android 45
Crimsanne Refera

Emperor Gero:
An examination of Doctor Gero if he had succeeded in his goals and has his Red Ribbon Empire. its currently falling into chaos when sucked into the Time Abyss as it fights off various threats around it, and Doctor Gero is forced to put his his now old-hat delusional revenge on hold to figure out his own way to try and stop Android 24.

A universe-sized godlike AI that has taken over an entire doomed timeline, all planets being replaced with its technological structures. Is the most intelligent thing in existence, so much that its thoughts are incomprehensible to anyone else, and only small fragments of it can converse with beings that it considers ants and pests.

Posthumans from near the end of time traveling back to feed on current energy sources and seeking the secret of the infinite energy engine to use for themselves, only to find apocalyptic wastelands and destruction around them as they fight to survive, hating other beings, jealous for them being born earlier.

Some Robot civilization:
A robot civilization that has individuality and self-customizing robots who wiped out all organics but fight against Omicron seeing it as an incomprehensible terrifying godlike entity that will assimilate them if they don't resist. but still hate organic life.

A person claiming to be Towa flying around trying to do a scheme, but since Towa is dead, its doubtful she is the real one or even a parallel copy of her, since her methods and Towas methods don't match.

Secret Character:
A character Jade is supposed to meet somewhere, for reasons and in very special and out there circumstances.

Android 24:
Humanity's ultimate Evil, a hateful ignorant teen obsessed with strength and upgraded by cybernetics, he has become Hatred and Idiocy Incarnate, focusing on pure strength and power until he has become reality-breaking with what he does, and wiping out the universes of invalid timelines as if its nothing with the time patrol unable to defeat him no matter who they send after him. His mind is incredibly ignorant and simple, as well as joyless and one track. but all the more dangerous for his lack of restraint, as he won't hesitate to simply destroy the entire universe you are in to kill you. Desires to end all of existence and will stop at nothing to do so.

Plot: Is basically meant to be a bit of a finale for Jade Refera. Android 24, a cyborg from her previous timeline has grown so powerful from indiscriminately draining energy that he has begun destroying all timelines in his hatred for all of existence that has caused a universe-sized time rift to appear near Universe 13 that sucking in all the doomed timelines around it into its abyss, and now Jade Refera must stop it before reality ends.

Morality/Tone: grimdark, darkest saga ever. Android 24 meant to be the world's greatest most despicable monster and the exact thing Jade wants to work to prevent with all her previous efforts.

none of these are complete. just posting them to.....lay them out in some manner.
I see you have some fun plans for Majins...
it's still fear, would you preffer me to avoid using Majin Buu in the Trombone Saga?