
Roland groans painfully as he reaches for the rope, pulling himself towards Njal as quickly as his arms can bear before the trail collapses further. He claps the dwarf on the shoulder breathlessly, nodding in thanks, though he can't quite manage words yet as he gasps for air. Roland drops his hands to his knees, trying to steady shaky legs. His shoulder was on fire, his head was pounding, and he'd just caused their supplies to rain down the mountainside, but Roland still found the time to grimace at Verglas' appearance.

His heart had been in his throat moments before, not just due to his predicament but Verglas' as well. If you'd asked him what he'd do to make sure she could escape unscathed, he would've been hard pressed to come up with anything he wouldn't do. But then, Roland couldn't make someone appear to be an elf either. All of his attempts to learn how to become a cleric had met with disastrous results, and he wasn't even sure that was something a cleric would know how to do. With another groan, he rises to his full height and strips off his cloak.

"Caileag," Roland started, forgetting himself. "Verglas...cover yourself," he says, stepping between Verglas and the others and holding up his cloak to hide her like you might a woman with a compromising lack of clothing. "You're indecent. Best change out of that skin. Please," Roland said, his tone contradicting the polite nature of his request.

Silently Roland mouthed a prayer to the Firekeeper to continue keeping him safe, to keep them both safe, and to ward off evil. And if She should happen to have a few more moments to spare, could the Red Lady also lend Verglas her guiding light so that the gnome might have the sense to change back into her skin and stay that way?