Don't forget that in Sun and Moon there are the following NPCs...

Woman and Machamp who's husband and owner died in a car crash, and Machamp only survived due to being put into his pokeball at the last minute. She is being carried by Machamp, implying she is paralyzed.

The multiple people in graveyards that are explicitly there for humans who were buried.

The retired Eevee master who, due to age and mortgage, is forced to work a ****ty part time job and give up on his dream, and thus hires you out as a hitman to fight and beat all his old rivals, all of whom are in various thematic states of decay. Jolteon's owner has gone senile, Umbreon's owner is well aware that he will die soon, Flareon's owner no longer has passion for life, Leafeon's owner is desperately trying to keep herself beautiful on the inside even though her insides are rotting by her own words, the Sylveon owner IS ****ING DEAD.

There is plenty of darkness in these games you just have to look at it for half a second.