Thorne raises an eyebrow and looks at Sarah when she makes her comment. He looks vaguely amused before returning his attention to Shiroihako. "It's not a drug" , he says, "It was, however, a test. That thing's called Soul Candy, it's part of standard issue Soul Reaper field equipment. You really should've been given one alongside your artificial body. It is concerning you didn't recognize it at a glance. "

He puts the dispenser back in his pocket. "The way it works, it evicts any spirit in a human body and then installs an artificial intelligence in its place. It is fundamentally similar to how you are possessing that body right now. I hope you understand that with a device such as this, anyone could've done the thing you suspect my daughter of."

There's a weird half smile on the man's face. "It's a shame you didn't eat it. I'm starting to wonder just what kind of spirit you are."