Thanks for the help but I don't understand the different costs. Can you explain to me how it applies to the whole of power so that, later, I can change it as soon as I have earned my first experience points?

Danger Sense (Descriptors: precognition (4), psychic, danger-based, mental, sixth sense) [55pp]
Enhanced Traits: Impervious Dodge 10 (1/R ==> 10), Impervious Parry 10 (1/R ==> 10), Uncanny Dodge (1), Danger Sense(1), Improved Initiative 3 (3), Assessment (1), Seize Initiative (1).
Immunity: Interaction Skills (5)
Reaction (cost ?) (when in danger) (-1/R) Concentration (-1/R) Remote Sensing 3 [250 feet] (Cost for visual 2/R ==> 3).