Hmmmm, I would probably rethink the Warlock in this Setting.

Both as it fits the "Mortal pactitioning with beings they should not even know" theme often used in Sword and Sorcery AND, if you assume a lower magic World, removing the Warlocks "Craft anything" Feature in msot cases makes it Tierr 4 (if highest) anyway.

As for the Paladin: Paladins dont need Gods anyway (ven if they are normally associated with them). They are empowered by the pure Law and Good within the Planes and themselves.

I would even put Paladins as a counterpoint to the "small Cults with flaws" Gods used in S&S Settings if I would use them.

Just make sure that they are clearedr regarding their COde and "Falling Situatiuons", as the World is usually even more Grey in such Settings, and the Paladins as Beacojns of Light more important, if rarer.

Overall I like the Feel this seems to be developing.

Keep Going!