Oh boy. Running around, splitting up, things getting broken. What fun.

I dunno whatcha mean, Zodi. There's nothing suspicious about Evil, this place, the locked emergency exits, or the earthquakes. I'm sure that none of them are connected to anything else, say, via tunnels or something.

Oh no, Cipher Peon! Time for a Pokémon Battle.

Huh, okay, guess the alternate battle music is just something that can pop up occasionally, or something.

Pfffft. My Video History prof was right - you can't escape the name Eliza.

What? Anime outfits being horny? I don't believe it.
Is cute, though.

Oof, yeah, that all looks... brutal in conjunction
Good job in the second round, though!

Man, another woman who's just "Woman" even though we explicitly know her name. And this one seems plot important for some reason, too!

Huh, plot. Interesting. No monolithic antagonist faction. Neat.

I think the idea is the safety switch deals less damage to the robos, too. So unless it's mandated that everyone uses it, you'll be at a disadvantage towards a person who doesn't have it on. So... I guess higher stakes? It's the Prisoner's Dilemma.