Baldy sneers at Luis' comment about the ax, and snatches it away with a grumble. The entire party successfully disarmed, Georgy says, "Right den, follow me an' I'll introduce yous and all." He and Leetus push past the two armed gangers through the large wooden double doors.

The acolytes enter into a large hallway filled with a hodge podge of benches, long mess hall tables, and plastic chairs. They pass a group of kids huddled in one corner playing dice, where it looks like they are betting with rounds of a stub revolver. The gangers look up from their game with curious guarded stares. Elsewhere a pair of gangers huddle over mess tables scarfing down plates of what look like roasted mutated bugs. The skeletal looking kids, vigorously shovel handfuls of the insects into their mouths, far less interested with the new

The acolytes pass through the hall to the back, where a man older and better groomed than his followers, sits at a rich wooden desk. He is thin and dressed in thick synthetic robes of Clan Tora colors. His dark hair and goatee are slick and threaded with thin copper wire, and his eyes are lined with some form of black jellied liner. He appears to be working on a data slate, and as the acolytes approach, he looks up from his work and grins. Even from meters away, the acolytes can smell the thick cloying aroma of obscura coming from this man.

"Boss, these are the Credit Guilders I told you about," Georgy says with an excited grin and an almost comical salute.

The man rises, and splays his hands out towards the acolytes. "Welcome," he says with a salesman's grin, "thank you for coming to my... humble abode." At his black leather belt, you can see a holstered fine leather pistol.