My expectation is I am going to love it. I love the first one for how actively bad it is. I've watched it more times than anyone should admit. The second one is still not a good movie, as such, but it is much better and I honestly love it. Vile Darkness leaned a little too hard on the "look how bad and EEEEVIIIILLL" all the characters were, so I'm not a fan, but appreciate what they tried to do. So, good, bad, mediocre, I'm probably going to love it.

That said, I'd have gone with a tv series. Pick (and make clear) a setting. I'd like Greyhawk, but Forgotten Realms would be fun. Have monster-of-the-week episodic adventures, and a season long "campaign". Set the tone lighter than Game of Thrones, but not straight up comedy. Take itself a little seriously, but have fun with it.