Beach Party
Sekhmet & Girlfiend

"Probably to keep the exact recipe a secret so it can't be copied by their rivals. Yeah, there's quite a few carbonated drinks available. Various brands of cola, dandelion and burdock, ginger beer- not alcoholic, most of the time, uh, lemonade, cherryade, limeade, orangeade and other fruit ades, sparkling water, and champagne and sparkling wine, too. Can't say if that's the same method, though, I'm not a brewer." There is at least one brand of alcoholic ginger beer in the UK. There's probably more carbonated drinks I'm not thinking of.

Teen Loves

I forgot it moved, oops. It'll probably curl up in Karasu's lap, then.

Natalie laughs as well with the joke, and leans back into Karasu. "Honesty. It might hurt my feelings, but lying... That can be a betrayal. But... There's situations where a lie would be a mercy, not a betrayal, especially if there's a very slim chance of me discovering the truth." Her thoughts on that situation include being informed of the death of someone she loves, her brother or Karasu maybe, with the words 'it was quick/painless/peaceful' and a general feeling of not suffering.

Jack & Chidi

"So I've been attacked and overpowered, and I use my phone to call. If I scream, anyone in earshot will know I'm in trouble and they're closer to intervene than whoever's going to answer my phone. If I'm not at my hangouts, I'm with someone. And if I'm not at one of my hangouts and you want to meet me again, then I've found someone else for that time and you should, too." Jack really doesn't like how useless something so allegedly useful feels to her. "And if I do get attacked, and I can't fight them off, I'll dump everything I carry and fly off, generally as a jackdaw. Muggers don't follow me then, and I can't use my phone... Nor does it help against peregrines. I've been chased a few times, as a jackdaw. That's scary." Mostly, though, jackdaws are smart and reasonably vicious- and Jack mostly flies in Inside, with a large pigeon population to feed the peregrines far better.