Quote Originally Posted by Thufir View Post
In the Timeless Children when the Master was describing the founding of Time Lord society and onscreen Tecteun was talking to two Time Lords, apparently there was a line in the script saying something like "We can probably assume these might be Rassilon and Omega." Implying Tecteun was the Other.
Though obviously that's not explicit in the episode so they could take it in a different direction if they wanted.

Edit: found the scripts, they're online here and the relevant passage is on page 32 of The Timeless Children.
Without a direct statement in the show we can assume that the three are Rassilon, Omega, and the Other, but we can't directly state who is who (although Tecteun=the Other is the simplest and most logical solution).

I suspect they're setting up either Rassilon or Omega as the big bad of the next series, or very maybe the Rani, with the ongoing arc being an exploration into the early history of Galifrey. The finale will involve Rassilon either confirming that the Doctor is the Timeless Child or berating her for thinking that she is.

Which is what I'd do for you final ever series, and much more specifically the final ever episode. But then I have very different views on the lore than the current showrunners. Here's my view on how the last episode should go.

Spoiler: The Dawn of Time
The Doctor is in the final body of their second regeneration cycle, and is starting to show their age. They are in the TARDIS flying solo when something goes wrong and the TARDIS crash lands, throwing the Doctor out of the door in the process. We see some natives rescue the Doctor, they look a lot like humans.

The Doctor wakes up in a hospital ward with a broken leg, and gets to know the other patients as well as Ras, a medical student. When asked for their name the Doctor gives it as Theta Sigma. The first act revolves around the Doctor and Ras's growing friendship, including Ras's disillusionment with medicine and the Doctor's gentle encouragement of him to pursue something he's passionate about.

It's only at the beginning of the second act where we get confirmation of what we all guessed, when one of the patients in the ward dies and their features shift, this is Galifrey and Rassilon. The second act shifts scenery as the Doctor's condition improved enough that they can leave the hospital. The Doctor moves in with Rassilon or gets their own place and after a lot of hassle the Doctor gets the TARDIS moved to a place where they can work on it, at which point we find out that not only is she broken, but that the parts needed to fix her haven't been invented yet. Act 2 takes place over several years, as Rassilon quits medicine and begins to study physics, whole the Doctor tries to repair her ship. As the act goes on Rassilon begins to work out that the Doctor is a time traveller from the future, and starts trying to convince them to help Galifrey to unlock the secrets of time travel.

The third act is a lot more sketchy, but includes two major events. The Doctor shares with Rassilon enough knowledge of physics to create the Eye of Harmony in exchange for being left out of the historical record. As Rassilon begins the act that will propel Galifrey to being true lords of time the Doctor returns to the TARDIS, their body failing. The Doctor's body finally gives out as they're fiddling with the cables behind a roundel, at which point the TARDIS activates, travelling to the end of the universe, the end of matter.b with the Doctor's least breath they see the start of the end of everything, as protons decay and matter disintegrates into nothing.

The Doctor is the other. But not solve future version or reincarnation, but the person with the desire to know and the drive to explore that eventually lead them to the beginning of their civilisation with the will to see it all happen.

I'm sure you can pick holes in it and bring up stuff that doesn't work, but I had a lot of fun writing it down.