Mongrelfolk are a perfectly cromulent LA +0 race: better than Half-elves, not as good as Humans.

The RoD version gets a few perks that the FF version does not: as well as Emulate Race and Sound Imitation, they get Low-Light Vision, Immunity to Magical Sleep Effects, Diffuse Blood, +1 racial bonus on saves against poison, enchantment and illusions, +1 bonus on Appraise, Climb, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Search and Spot, and a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Sleight of Hand.

Not to mention being given the Human subtype, which opens up quite a few options.

Quote Originally Posted by Blue Jay View Post
IThere was a 3rd-party book (Tome of Horrors, maybe?) I saw that had basically a grab-bag of mix-and-match features (senses, natural weapons, etc) for a "mongrelman" (which I assume was a remake of a 2nd-edition monster comparable to the mongrelfolk in FF). Although I think they took it a bit too far, I did like the idea of a race with that sort of eclectic mix of different racial abilities. Maybe the shifter from Eberron covers that niche well enough that they don't need the mongrelfolk to do it.
I think that is a throwback to 2E, where they got similar options (random table of appearance and traits).

"Man" for bestial races was ubiquitous in earlier editions: Lizardfolk were Lizardmen etc.