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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Jan 2007

    Default Re: Kill6BillionDemons II: The Successor's coming will be followed by 108 burning thr

    Surely this can't be the penultimate book. There's so much story left. We still have no real idea what Jagganoth's deal is. Or Jadis. We have arguably had arcs focused on three of the seven demiurges (with some focus on Gog and Inky). Surely there has to be one book for each. And something with Michael.

    Also, Solomon seems to go not just for victory, but for show-off victory. Notice how his stance and movements in the last panel exactly mirror what White Chain does in the first. He's copying her moves.
    Last edited by Eldan; 2020-06-08 at 08:05 AM.
    Resident Vancian Apologist