Day 19: 13th Day, 8th Month, Year 507

As the group ascended further up the abandoned basement stairs, they were attacked by an undead creature in rotted robes with Sui tattoos on its face. After slaying it, they reached a heavy locked door that had been scratched by claw marks. Even when the door was unlocked, it was blocked by something on the other side, but Haren was able to slowly push away a stack of crates without toppling them, allowing them entrance into the larder of the kitchens of Perang's mansion.

Using the map drawn by the captured guard, they made their way to stairs leading up to Perang's private rooms without encountering any guards. At the top of the stairs they arrived at a rooftop garden with a large water pool in the center and several doors leading to rooms in the upper story. Finan and Ilmari sneaked up on two guards and attempted to knock them out, but it took a sleep and dissonant whispers spell from Sagari and Alamar to take them out with little noise. The two guards were tied up and dragged into the bushes growing at the edge of the roof garden, which caused several thorny plants to come to live and attack them. Even with their small size, their large numbers allowed them to land several hits on Haren before they were ultimately destroyed.

Finan picked a lock on a door leading to a library, where they found the magic conch they were looking for, as well as a large green gem and a strange tome bound in black shark leather sitting on a shelf. Searching the rest of the room came up with a chest with money and gems, as well as tools for making poison and forging documents.

A second door led into the main living room of Perang where four small mist creatures appeared out of a small fountain in the center of the room. While fighting the creatures, another door flew open with Perang charging into the room, but Finan had gone to hide behind the door and fell upon him with Ilmari coming to his help. After a short fight, the master of the mansion was killed, and as he fell to the ground his hair disappeared and his head turned into a featureless gray face with blank white eyes. Everyone soon figured out that this creature had killed the real Perang some time ago and hid its body in the disused basement, where it had been roaming around as an undead ever since. The bedroom was filled with large wardrobes and chests that held a wide range of different clothes and outfits, as well as more of Perang's money.

Before leaving the place, the group checked out the other door leading from the garden and found the room of Perang's steward, who quickly surrendered after a short fight, and whose answers to their questioning indicated that the creature must have had replaced the real Perang many years ago.

With the magic conch in their possession and loaded with Perang's gold, silver, and jewels, they retreated back down the disused basement stairs, avoiding the guards guarding the mansion's main entrance. Their ship was already waiting nearby, and as soon as they had climbed on board, they headed out to sea and setting course to Inixon.