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    Titan in the Playground
    Thurbane's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Terra Australis

    Default Re: The LA-assignment thread VIII: Way Too Much For Vampirism

    • Medium construct
    • 2 RHD (d10 HD, medium BAB, all poor saves, 2 skill points/level once you manage to get Int)
    • 30 ft speed, 10 ft climb: not bad.
    • +5 natural AC: decent.
    • Bite 1d6.
    • Dance of death: decent save or suck.
    • Paralysis: save or lose rider on bite attacks.
    • Sneak attack +2d6: equivalent to a 3rd level rogue.
    • Construct traits: all the usual immunities and drawbacks.
    • Str +2, Dex +6, Con --, Int --, Cha +2: net +10, 2 non-abilities. Getting Int is going to be tough being a non-humanoid shaped construct, from a RAW standpoint.
    • Very small racial skill list: +8 racial bonus on Climb, Hide and Move Silently.

    Non-humanoid form, no manipulative digits, no ability to speak listed (which you'd expect from a non-intelligent creature). No Con score (HP alert!), and no Int score: to even consider this as a PC, I guess we're assuming the DM will hand-waive an Int score for you? 2 RHD, which is the second least-worst amount to have. Two special attacks that can take enemies out of action; the dance of death doesn't seem to discriminate between friends and enemies, though, and doesn't have the "once you save you are immune for 24 hours" clause. You have the sneak attack of a 3rd level rogue, but none of its skills or other abilities.

    Difficult one: you get two powerful special attacks, and sneak attack to boot. Also construct immunities. Balanced against no Con score, and an extremely limiting body shape.

    I'll vote +0, I guess, but I certainly wouldn't play one myself.