"A, a traitor!' Senator Sneez laugh and sneeze.
'No matter, it can be easily fixed-' He make a strange pose with his fingers- something like Spiderman?

But all of the sudden, an explosion erupt from behind his back, ripping him in half-

And the crowd is nowhere to be seen.
the castle start to burn from the explosion, and the upper half of Sneez, land before Flake's legs.
His eyes are widened.
"...The spider... oh no.. we are... doomed...' he say with eerie clarity in his eyes, as he shiver.

In the flames of the castle, a tall shiloouette, walking inside.

Spoiler: Snap

Snap just instant transmissioned himself, from point to point, until he felt a terrifying technique, he thought he was the only one who knew it, about to be activated- He has instant tranmissioned himself, and ran faster then what normal arcosian eye can see, connecting everyone in the crowd with invisible ki strings, and then instant transmission everyone in the crowd, to the other side of the planet.
Then he instant transmission a blast at Sneez.

All that happens in less then half a second
Afterward, he instant tranmission into the palace, venturing inside.