Quote Originally Posted by SirKazum View Post
Not much really, since the trailers had already spoiled that pretty thoroughly for me

edit: and as for them not being all clones anymore, from what I remember of that discussion around the time the movie came out (which I suppose isn't spoilery anymore, as Keybounce saw him without the helmet), wasn't that fact established by the OT itself? Because there's something in A New Hope (which I don't recall from the movie, just from the discussion) about how Luke was thinking about becoming a Stormtrooper before Ben showed up and all? So, by that point in the timeline, at least a significant portion of the Stormtroopers, perhaps all of them, are conscripts rather than clones.
Luke wanted to join the Academy, supposedly to become a TIE pilot.

And no, its never addressed at all in the OT, because I bet back then it wasn't even a possible possibility that the Stormtroopers came from the Clonetroopers. I bet "Clone wars" was just a term, and even Lucas had no idea what it meant. But you're right, by that time likely most of them were conscripts, which is something you can extrapolate by the time between RotS and ANH and that the clones are aging much faster than humans, but it was never stated in a movie.
It was later shown in the Rebels TV series, where they meet Rex and two other clones in 1 or 2 BBY and they all look to be in their 60s.