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Thread: Why ban ToB?

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Default Re: Why ban ToB?

    Quote Originally Posted by Unavenger View Post
    People's characters affect everyone in the game, and to be quite honest if there's no way to challenge the PoW character without murdering everyone else brutally
    POW and Tome of Battle are two different things. I get that your experiences may be different than other people's experiences but I want to provide some anecdotal evidence on our side. If I was to ban Tome of Battle my players would really scratch their head. This thread here would seem alien to them as well. We had a Samurai last game, yes a samurai, who's average DPR by level 3 happened to be around 30-45 damage. He was pulling around 16-24 at level 1. I am not trying to sway you but this is a real character in a real game. We allow TOB alongside the core classes because honestly with the group's optimization level it really doesn't matter too much.

    Then again many of my players have told me horror stories about being banned from other tables due to their characters being considered too powerful. Point is there are different tables with different levels of power. People are going to feel strongly about certain books being banned when their experiences are very different from your own.

    You are going to be hard pressed to convince them just as they are going to be hard pressed to convince you. I am sure (actually I know for a fact) there are groups who would view my group as underpowered.
    Last edited by Rhyltran; 2020-06-13 at 04:35 PM.