Ludo, Urgrim & Elsa

"Even if we did leave," said Rudi, motioning towards the door, "how're we supposed to find our way? We can't see more than a few feet past our own noses in that."

"Do we even know how many of the others are still alive out there?" said another Thorn. He looked around at the others, who seemed a little shocked at the suggestion. "Well, do we? I don't see the point in risking our necks to rescue dead men."

"You said the Jackal's wizarding up the storm," said a third to Elsa. "Can't you wizard it away?"

Ingwald said nothing, sitting on a chunk of rubble in silence. It was quite unlike him to be so quiet, but he still looked pale and shaken from his brush with the spectre. At last, in a small voice, he spoke.

"If we leave, they'll kill us," he said. He nodded to Elsa. "They'll kill her, then they'll kill us. And then maybe we end up like that," he said, looking to the heap of dead Caerforters behind the gates, "or maybe we end up like them."

He took a long pause.

"We all knew we might be risking our lives, when we joined the Captain's army," he said. "But what comes after?" He took a deep breath. "If the commander's still out there, will he thank us for trying? If when the Jackal comes, it's our dead hands around his neck?"