
"No, it's not new. The Good League of Good has been around for a long time." Though he doesn't know exactly how long it's been around, since he doesn't know the history and GLoG's existence is something several groups in Skyside want to keep quiet.

"No, it's not luck. It's... power. The powerful get the water, and share it or sell it as they see fit. So those at the top, the business leaders, ganglords and old money nobles, they get most of the water as they have the money to get the most. They share it downwards, but generally only so much that those with less power are able to drink and stay healthy. I had very little power of any kind, so I got very little water." She dislikes the powerful, but can't bring herself to hate them. She's not met any of them, except her boss at the factory. And he was... reasonably kind.