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    Troll in the Playground
    Joran's Avatar

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    Nov 2006
    Washington, D.C.

    Default Re: Hearthstone 24: Don't tell the others, but I'm rooting for you!

    Hey, they nerfed Demon Hunter one last time. Twin Slice + Second Slice are 1 mana, add +2 damage. Huge nerf to Demon Hunter since they only have one reliable activator for on curve Satyr Overseer and Glaivebound Adept in Umberwing and Demon Hunter loses a bit of their early dumb board control. Altrius also can't do as many Altrius things.

    I'm Diamond 2, with a 2 star bonus, so only 3 wins away from hitting Legend for the first time in the new ranking system. I'm waiting for the meta to settle out and figure out what deck to play, since they nerfed the dumb deck I was playing before ;)

    Edit: I also got gigatilted from Battlegrounds. I hit a high of 9800 something and then dropped almost 500 points; hard to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Feels like I'm low-rolling a lot for some reason. Two tilting moments:
    1) Nailed a Macaw + super-early Goldrinn. Sold off all my other deathrattles, got two hydras, bought 2 Sarolisk guys to buff, hit tier 5 and got the early Baron. I think "Oh this is an easy street win". Picked up another Baron and then rolled 10 gold down, missing another Parrot, Goldrinn, Baron, Sarolisk, or Hydra to die.

    2) Another game, I was going to at least tie with an enemy Imp Mama, and spawned it Voidlord (I had a giant minion with 3 or so hp), which was just enough to kill me.

    Although there were a few games where I was refreshing the tavern at 4 going "I have no idea what I'm looking for".

    Games seem to be going super fast and people seem to be highrolling more. Not sure if it's the addition of the new champions.

    On the plus side, I for some reason hovered over a Daryl on my game and saw it was named "Krippers". No way, I check the stream and it's him, Kripparian. He ended up 8th in my game and I finished I think 6th with my failed beast build.

    I faced someone named Kibler twice (once in constructed, once in Battlegrounds), but he wasn't streaming at the time, so I have no way to know.

    Edit: I ended up playing Demon Hunter to Legend. Won 3 straight against another Demon Hunter, Highlander Hunter, and Pirate?! Warrior up.
    Last edited by Joran; 2020-06-26 at 10:02 PM.