Voting patterns around JeenLeen point to Wombat. So I pushed it today to see what would happen, and I got these:

Quote Originally Posted by Apogee1 View Post
Interesting you two come together and agree like this after all that earlier conflict onto a claimed and peeked VT. I know we have to find macavity and we have too many VT but still I'm starting to want to resurrect that Aventine cult theory, where the cult than converts Valmark or the other way around because it kind of makes a lot of sense from my POV
Quote Originally Posted by Apogee1 View Post
Yeah but it's the classic dilemma with godfather esque roles. You assume the peek is accurate until you have to consider it not being or risk loosing. Like I know this, I brought up the chance of Wombat as Macavity first, but the way you and Aventine and now Bunny piled on in what looks like it could be a preservation of you susses me out

"I know we need to figure out who Macavity is, but let's not look too much into that. It's better to just assume the scry is accurate, even though we know it might not be."

It's not a natural response. It's a "trying to figure out how to get out of this mess" sort of response.

It's "interesting" that me and Valmark would agree despite earlier arguments? Why? And why would that suggest we are wrong? And if you think we are scum and working together, why would we choose to go after the person who's been scried? Then you put too much effort into trying to discourage hunting for Macavity. Then you sugest me, Valmark and Bunny look like we're working together to protect Valmark. What faction do you think we are? And how many of us do you think there are?