The Silken Whisper

Well, if nothing else they might know how to fly a spaceship. And they have a spaceship that needs crew, don't they? Since Minerva and Zee are going around murdering everyone who flew it down here (except the tech-priestess, anyway).

After Minerva jumps, the first ex-slave, the one with the resemblance to the purple-haired gunslinger, will jump. Unlike the power-armoured Sororitas, they will all need Zee to catch them- except the gunslinger, who after a bit of rummaging finds a grappling pistol under her jacket and gets down that way.

They'd better leave quite quickly, though. The hole isn't really in the back of the building, and some of the girls are standing where they can see the hole.

Slave Street Security Office

Fifteen minutes after he left, Raodan returns. "I have set up a meeting with the Guildmasters in the room next door, if you'd be so kind as to go through here?" He opens the door through which he had gone earlier, revealing a dark chamber lit by eight screens. Each screen shows a figure wearing robes and a mask concealing their identity, each mask and robe a different colour. Orange is worn by an obese person hooked up to some medical machinery. Pink is worn by a short person sat in an office. Green is worn by a sleek, feminine figure with large ears; almost like goblin ears, but the wrong shape and position, the hood tailored to hide them. Blue is worn by a figure visible only from the waist up, lounging on a chaise lounge. Purple is worn by a squat person with a beard moulded into their mask; the only decoration any mask has. Brown is worn by a figure in a soundproofed room, the robes marked with stains of soot and ash. Grey is worn by a slender figure in a dungeon. The final screen is blank a few moments, before someone dressed in yellow robes and a mask turn the camera linked to it on and turns to sit down. That figure has unusually long arms for their frame.

The last figure to arrive speaks. "Our head of security reports that you have a proposal of alliance?" He's pitched his voice differently, but it sounds like Raodan, and with his words some of the other figures start to nod in understanding.