Phidas is Lawful Evil, he is the god commerce, protection, and trade among other things. His clergy usually focus on winning over rich people. Then use money and espionage to influence the rulers. They have a fringe faction that favors generosity to win worshipers.
So I could when worshipping phidas be good by being in the fringe faction?
Also none of those domains sound evil or lawful in any way.
Nami is Chaotic Good. She is the goddess of weather, travel, and freedom among other things. Most people worship Nami once or twice a year on her holy festivals (which take the form of wild parties), and then they forget about Nami the rest of the year. Most of Nami's priests and priestesses are content with this. Nearly every country has their Nami festival on a different day, so a small number of traveling priests can preside over six or seven festivals a year. The priesthood often set up their temples at crossroads to double as inns both to help their itinerant priests and travelers in general. They claim that every priest or priestess is a faction of one. Chaotic Good and Chaotic Evil clergy are forging alliances and preparing to drag the priesthood into a civil war.
I guess it was bound to happen : someone was going to stop representing their alignment.
Instead she represent freedom which is a chaotic good concept (because if we let people be free to do everything we grant no freedom to those who gets enslaved so in order to provide freedom to everybody we need to protect the weak from the strong and make the weak less weak)