The kobold replies after a few nervous breaths.

Spoiler: For those who know draconic
"A lunatic who barged into our den and started barking orders at us about a year ago. When someone asked why we should bother following those orders, he decapitated them. We haven't been brave enough to stop answering to him since."

As he speaks, his words grow steadier and more confident. He's clearly wanted to say this for a while, only stopped by the lack of a safe opportunity to do so.

Spoiler: OOC
If someone narrates that their character starts translating the kobold's words for party members that don't know draconic, I'll leave those words outside spoilers for improved game flow. This also goes vice-versa, if a someone states that they'll translate the words of party members who don't know draconic into draconic I'll abstract the task of translating into my narration of the kobold's response. This will go for future conversations where you're speaking to someone across a language barrier part of party can't cross.