Day 24: 2nd Day, 9th Month, Year 507

On the fifth day of the journey through the Southern Islands, the mountains and jungle covered shores of Inixon appeared in the distance in the afternoon. As the ship slowed down to carefully navigate the reefs around the island, a sailor called out creatures in the water swimming alongside the ship. Suddenly the ship was janked sharply to the right and then pulled back hard to the left, coming to a very sudden stop that threw many of the sailors to their feet. A heavy cloud was forming right above the masts and Alamar was send below the deck to get the magic conch shell they had taken from Perang's mansion in Tual. A dozen humanoid fish creatures started climbing up the sides of the ship armed with spears and jagged knives. Alamar appeared with the shell and blew into it, which caused the fish men to turn their heads and step back from their intended attack on the sailors.

Sagari stepped forward to talk with them in the language of water spirits, and the leader of the fish men told them that they would not kill and eat everyone on the ship because they had blown the magic shell, but they still needed to pay the sacrifice in blood. It was quickly decided to bring up one of the goats they had taken from the cult lair in Orlane, which was then killed and thrown into the water by the leader of the fishmen. On that signal all the fishmen jumped back into the water, the cloud above the ship disappeared in the wind, and the ship continued its journey towards the nearby island.

Not long after, a strange sound could be heard on the wind and the ship changed directions. Alamar suddenly started walking towards the front of the ship but Haren managed to catch him before he could throw himself into the water. The sounds came from sharp rocks reaching out of the water ahead, and Sagari send his water drake familiar to dive into the sea to see what might be causing the sounds. In the water around the rocks were three sirens with long sea serpent tails whose singing had clearly been affecting Alamar and some of the sailors. Realizing that their ship wasn't being pulled to the rocks, someone pushed Jiub away from the rudder and turned it back towards the safe passage before they crashed into the reef.

With their luring song having been foiled, the sirens jumped out of the water flew towards the ship on huge wing-like fins. Sagari used his magic to force one of the sirens to flee from the ship at the start of the fight and in a fierce fight the other two sirens were killed. With the port on Inixon already becoming visible ahead, it was decided to hang the two sirens from the masts as trophies instead of throwing them back into the water.