Coney's eyes flicker wildly, and then snap back to focus. She speaks softly and rapidly to her colleagues.

"That idiot kit. They're going to botch the ritual, I can see...see! We are seen! The Eye is upon us, and it has teeth! We may look to the clouds for inspiration and the trees for solace, but only in ourselves can we find meaning. Yes? Wisp tells us, shares her secrets with those who know how to tilt their ears. Tells us of the ocean, and the chobin who will guide us across. Gods, it's full of stars!"

Her ears whip around furiously for a moment, then snap to attention. She speaks again, in something more closely approximating a normal voice.

"The big one is a too-young Silktail, who has drawn simple rabites into a ritual beyond their capabilities. Their intention may be good, but the effects of a ritual gone wrong may be very bad. We have to stop them, without hurting them if we can. I have a shot at convincing the silktail, but will need you ready to step in to help. Can you do that?"