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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Default Re: What are you hoping to see in this last book?

    I want to see many things, but one thing I'm hoping for which might be a long shot is that Redcloak finally realizes that he's gone too far and begins to head down the road of redemption. He might not achieve redemption within the story itself but I'd like to see the story end with the implication that Redcloak is heading towards a happy end, even if it would still take many years to get there.

    I really like the guy and I'd be sad if his personal story ended with him never growing beyond his absolute devotion to The Plan.

    Also as mentioned above what's with the Snarl, the World Within The Rift, and what influence will that have on saving the world.

    EDIT: Oh and O'Chul showing Redcloak that there's at least one paladin who is truly and utterly dedicated to doing the right thing, to the point that he'll defend goblins and other monster races against his own colleagues and friends if he can't agree with their motivations.
    Last edited by Worldsong; 2020-07-03 at 08:13 AM.