Quote Originally Posted by Fyraltari View Post
Then again one is levitating toy blocks for funsies. Clearly being able to do that without any training makes them a MArie Sue of the highest order. At least, I'm told that's how it works.
The argument that Rey is a Mary Sue is not based on her being able to use telekinetic abilities without training so much as on the consistency with which she pulls abilities out of nowhere to resolve the situations in which she finds herself without any need for assistance from the nominally-supporting characters of the film, exacerbated by Rey seemingly being the strongest Force adept of any of the trilogies' protagonists (despite Anakin literally being a Chosen One protagonist who was indicated to at least have the potential to be stronger than any living Jedi in the dying days of the Old Republic), failing at approximately nothing, and suffering virtually no consequences for any failures she could be argued to have had.

Looking just at untrained telekinesis, the issue is far more that the implication in the older movies is that untrained manifestations of Force sensitivity are fairly subtle - things like uncanny intuition or unusually quick reflexes. Overtly-supernatural abilities like the Mind Trick and telekinesis were restricted to people who'd had training that awakened them to their potential or opened them to the Force or whatever it is that the training does, and even then they - or at least Luke, since we don't really see anyone else at an early stage of their training - seem to need help with the idea that magic doesn't exactly follow the normal rules. Not, mind you, that EU material ever really paid any heed to that implication.

I would also comment that a telekinetic child is potentially rather dangerous, especially if - as seems to be the case with the Force - the primary limiting factor on their ability to move something telekinetically is whether or not they believe that they can do it. An infant manifesting telekinetic abilities probably ought to have been taken into Jedi custody already, or at the very least the parents ought to have a Jedi or other Force adept on hand to help deal with the fallout of telekinetically-enhanced temper tantrums.

Makes me wonder how the Jedi spotted them.
Remember how Anakin had a blood test for Force sensitivity in The Phantom Menace? Include that in the newborn screening process at hospitals or maybe in standard medical checkups for small children, flag up any children with midichlorian counts that exceed a certain threshold, and send a Jedi recruiter to do a confirmation checkup.