Quote Originally Posted by Aidan View Post
With regards to V and Inky, I personally would like to see V return to Inky and throw themselves at their mercy. My thought is while, yes, we should see Inky living a stable and good life without V there, V has grown and I think that sending a message of "No matter what you cannot fix what is broken" would be a really somber note. I want to see the ending note for V be that, s/he has a long way to go, but s/he can still rebuild a relationship with Inky, s/he can still build a relationship with their children.
Yeah, I wasn't going to include it in my reaction up there cause it was too long, but it would be . . . Incredibly unlike the entirely of V's character arc so far for them to go back to normal with Inkyrius like nothing had happened. I think there's kind of two sides of it to me, personally. I really, really love the trope of a relationship being written as going wrong not because one or more parties involved are inherently bad for each other or indeed irredeemable, but rather a combination of their flaws and their at the time problems getting in the way. In this case, V's head being stuck up their own *** mixed with their general lack of respect for anyone who wasn't actively helping them gain power, and Inkyrius' presumed passivity up until the ABD attack. However, it would suck for their relationship (or lack thereof) to end in pure Shakespearean tragedy with V either dying in this book for some messed up idea of absolution or even just never seeing Inkyrius in-comic again. The end message being 'if you mess up, you're through and you can never fix any of it' goes directly against the moral statment we've been given regarding V's future endeavours, and would leave a bad taste in my mouth because dear god am I sick of seeing unnecessarily tragic gay characters tossed around like it's open season.

V's still working on the whole 'opening up to others and stating when they're wrong' part of their character development, and it would be satisfying for that to cumulate in a scene where they talk with their ex. Either way, I'm hoping to see Inkyrius tear V a new one at the end of this book, because they definitely have enough anger to direct at them.