Quote Originally Posted by danzibr View Post
EDIT: Was reading about Ifrit. Read this.
Spoiler: SolitaireD's comments on Ifrit

You guys are lucky.
This boss took many JP players by surprise and traumatized them.
We did not realize how incredibly squishy Ifrit is and we are doing so much damage to him that Inferno Hellfire kept being triggered at times when we are unprepared.
Plus those counters from Pillars.

Just compare his stats to other 6* bosses and even Dark Odin.
On the flip side, Pain status is a b****.
Ifrit constantly attacks the party while you dance with the Pillars, and all of them are AOE.

Ifrit requires the most micromanagement among all 6* Magicite bosses. Less with better strategizing.
OP DPS will not do you too much good here since it makes it easier to trigger Inferno Hellfire.

Yeah... not going to try that for a while.

EDIT EDIT: wtf, read this regarding Ramuh: Ramuh is one of the most painful 6* bosses and I think only Ifrit rivals him.
Yeah, that's where the roulette comment comes into play. Titan by contrast only really has the Wall gimmick you have to play around, and is considered the easiest. Probably only due to Cloud existing really. I've still yet to crack him even with a stacked Cloud but that's more a timing issue I think. Can manage to get him to 15% but man is phase 3 savage 3 tough.