The biter seemingly wanted to take another bite out of Coney but stops for a moment.

The one who waved his ears around and perhaps even casted a spell says: "Cease!" and follows it up with a calming tone. The other rabites stop providing cover to the silktail who looks a bit frightened. He also seems to shrink rapidly but his stature remains bigger than a normal rabite.

Spoiler: OOC
He remains in the medium creature category instead of becoming small.

Both the guy who threw a rock and the biter retreat a bit while the (supposedly) spellcaster throds forward. He looks at Coney's ears intendly and speaks in rabitian.

"You're not from the yellow stingers?"

Larimar signals the others to keep their head down while the speaker takes a looks around and he doesn't seem to immediately see anyone else except Coney.

"Who are your friends you speak of? And who are you even, interrupting the most sacred ritual to help our sacred one?"

The sacred one shoves some other rabites aside and wants to take a look at Coney himself. But he doesn't seem to say anything.