Birel and Set

The water is cool and clean, and with enough scrubbing and drenching Set begins to feel clean again, though his clothing is still heavily stained and will need laundering before putting them back on will feel comfortable again. The feeling of crawling things leaves Set's skin, but the damage to his psyche will be harder to alleviate for now.

Birel finds no trace of anything that can be pinned down as a specific spell, but the bull and the room it's corpse rests in are saturated with a dull, brutish red aura of magic. The symbols etched into the beast and painted on the walls glow with demonic power. No skilled mage did this, nor even a particularly gifted occultist like the Chief, but what they lack in finesse they make up for in effect. The entire kill shed, along with the back wall of the barn, are saturated in conjuration magic. Birel realizes that the torture of the beast was part of a ritual meant to pull some Abyssal creature across the void into this world. Possibly more than one. Regrettably, the ritual has weakened the veil between the worlds, so it is still possible something might come through. Burning the barn will help by destroying the symbols that channel the magic, but sanctifying the area against evil will be much more effective.


By the time Fanlomen arrives at the town square, the people of Dam'ess have grown even more restless. People are shouting at the Chief, shouting at each other, and all look afraid. The Chief is standing on an impromptu stage made from wooden crates, and just as the crowd is rising to a crescendo of paranoia and distrust, he does something that throws everyone off balance- he begins to sing. His voice booms louder than any of the villagers as he sings a hymn from the Green Faith. It's a simple rural song for simple rural folk, but as he begins the second verse half the crowd have joined in with him and the other half have gone silent. Spotting Fanlomen, the Chief begins the third verse before clambering down off the boxes and hurriedly shuffling over to him. "What is it? What have you found? I can tell you've found something serious." He speaks very quietly, but his voice carries just as much force.