Crabby Doodle Dandy

"He's probably some flavor of adventurer or mercenary. Everyone's some flavor of adventurer or mercenary, y'know?" He's not wrong. It's easily the most popular profession in the Nexus for PCs, and this Fayyaad clearly has waaaay too much character to be anything else. A dancing tiefling pyromancer who's also a lady's man? No way is that one of the faceless peasants who fade in and out of the world every third minute of the day.

"Anyway, it's been going great, actually. With that last major apocalypse I was trying to cancel caught in an indefinite chronophage stasis, I've had an abundance of free time. Wait, did I ever mention I was working on stopping an apocalypse? Well whatever, it doesn't matter now. The world is saved until that timeline reactivates and I have no idea when that'll be. In the meantime, I haven't quite finished setting up a safe route to the cloning labs. There's been a few unexpected obstacles in my path, but I'm sure I'll sort them out in due time. The other Magtoks are starting to suspect I'm wasting their time on purpose, though. That I'm not completing my project on purpose, to retain my status as the Nexus's one and only Magtok indefinitely," Magtok scoffs, as if that isn't exactly what he's been doing this whole time. It's not the most convincing of scoffs either, so I wouldn't be surprised if Kathy sees right through it.