Quote Originally Posted by Twurps View Post
Being stunned for a round while flying (using reserves of strength) can cause death by falling so not sure if that's really a win. But let's assume the wizard knows it's 'do or die' time, (Sounds reasonable if your accepting to get stunned) in which case he should probably fly down before firing. so problem solved.

That just leaves the issue that total cover from a tower shield thwarts even magic missile. So I still think fighter has at least a draw here.

Magic Missile's a Targeted spell so it can hit not just the Fighter using the Tower Shield but up to five Fighters using Tower Shields. Now if you want a common spell the Tower can work against, it's Explosive Runes. One it's probably supposed to work against but does not, Fireball. Unless you go with the box interpretation or can properly work a Delay.