As Gryphon brilliantly resolves the problem with the two arcanists, Arimart feels proud for his young fellow Khoravar ability. Less so when he's still shouting insults a good block after they left the threatening casters behind.
He quickly glances behind himself to check if Maugrim is still in his place and has not switched places with Gryphon, then resolves that his... overeager reaction may be due to his barbarian upbringing. You can take the child of the monsters, but can you take the monsters out of the child?

As they ride on, they reach the Silvery Way, a sight that fills the paladin with hope and delight.

"This road is extremely bright, as you can see, and in case you don't know," he says without speaking directly to anyone in particular, "there's an entire group of talented adept in the local Temple of the Flame whose work is to keep it polished and perfectly clean with the continuous use of divine incantations. They are called the Shining Servants, and being one of them is considered a high honor in the ranks of the church. There are two groups turning themselves every day, and a third substituting them during the festivities, like Tirasday or Baker's Night. In fact..."
He is interrupted mid-sentence by Nyctessa's sending, his expression changing from relaxed to worried.
"Thanks for the info. Approaching unsafe zone, package intact. Send some healer at the entrance, just in case."

He prepares to spur his steed, just as the gate is closing.

"We need to move! Anybody got an idea?"