The other prisoners emerge from their cells tentatively.

"So... What? Do we introduce ourselves? Ah guess... M'charlotte. Charlotte Weber. I turn into a spider. Nobody say a damn thing about saving a pig." The teenage girl doesn't seem to be all there.

The blue scaled child makes a point of shredding her prisoner uniform before emerging couched down on all fours. "Charlote Wbber is new Commanding Officer? Rescue mission? Pig?" She seems genuinely confused.

"...Put on some god-damn pants."

"Suzie was engineered without sexual characteristics, skin resistant to cutting and stabbing, and resistance to extreme temperatures. Clothing that changes when shapeshifting is expensive and requires scientific knowledge to maintain. Suzie is a tool that has no need for clothing and clothing would not be cost-effective when this tool can just create the appearance of clothing if necessary."

"Okay, there's a lot to unpack there."

"What we do first," the third prisoner says while pulling at the collar on their neck, their eyes glowing red, "is get these ****ing collars off!"