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Thread: OOTS #1208 - The Discussion Thread

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOTS #1208 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by dancrilis View Post
    Essentially the gods have rules that are designed to prevent them interfering with the world - as such sinking a part of that would distrupt things the world over and I am assuming that the rules prevent that (even if more then half of the Southern Gods were onboard which I would be dubious about).
    Can you provide a source? We've seen Thor interfere with the world directly, the thunderclap over Cliffport comes to mind, as does the storm on the airship.

    Quote Originally Posted by dancrilis View Post
    I am assuming that you mean the passage with the crayons - if so that is specifically Redcloak's narration rather then things that certainly happened.
    Yes, hence why I said "if you're willing to take that passage as truth". I'm skeptical of quite a few things in there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    You're absolutely right. Even then they are vague (I suspect deliberately so); for example, Dragon only says the have dominion to guide their people, and the flashiest display we've ever seen has been the Twelve zapping Miko, which the author explained as the CEO personally coming to your cubicle to fire you because you messed up that badly. Regardless, though, I totally read more into that than there was, I'll admit.
    I think we're getting tripped up on verbs here. You're saying that the Twelve won't sink Gobbotopia, and I agree with you. But I'm saying that they could. And if you're Redcloak, are negotiating concessions from those gods, and have very little faith in those gods to value the lives of the goblinoid citizens of Gobbotopia, then you'd probably want it in writing that they won't.

    And if you're the Twelve Gods, you don't want the Northern Pantheon giving away parts of your territory to other people. It's the Northern Pantheon making the concessions, why don't they give some of their territory?

    I'm not making any predictions about what's actually going to happen to Gobbotopia/Azure City, I'm just trying to look at this negotiation from the perspective of the involved parties, and seeing an incoming problem. And obviously this problem can be solved in a manner of ways, like the other two pantheons agreeing to give as much territory as the southern ones do, for an obvious example, but it's still going to be a problem that needs solving.

    As a reminder, the perdiction and argument I'm making here is that this negotiation won't go south from the intervention of Xykon, Roy or some other third party. I expect the deal to become a lot more difficult before anyone comes to an agreement.

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    But you've also hit the nail on the head; The Dark One has no domain. One could read that as "he has no authority anywhere, because geographical authority has to be granted," or one could read that as "he has authority everywhere, because geographical authority has to be restricted." I read it as the latter, and I'm guessing you read it as the former.
    I'm more reading it as a political issue. Any god could intervene anywhere, but if they have disagreements that could create a god-killing snarl, so they agreed to give each other their own space where they're always right. The problem with the Dark One is that he's definitely a god, so he has to be allowed to do his god things, but all the gods would prefer that he do it somewhere else than on their territory.

    EDIT: Gotta go for now, I'll have to catch up on this discussion later!
    Last edited by Fanatic-Templar; 2020-07-29 at 11:52 AM.
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