Spoiler: Gravitic

Danger: +0
Freak: +2
Savior: -2
Superior: +2
Mundane: +1

Angry: ◻
Insecure: ▣

Hold 0

Potential: ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ ◻

”Stay close to me so we don't spin out.” Gravitic says grinning, and her power suffuses Backfire over a few moments. Then they take off, hurtling through the sky, until they backtrack to a portal to the city below. Gravitic glances over at the other girl to check her reaction.

They float-crawl along the ceiling and edges all the way to the base, where Gravtic drops Backfire at the entrance. Gravitic pulls off her mask and deposits it in her bag.

”I'm starving. You think we can order out to eat? I don't want to go back out to get stuff to cook. I need a shower as well, badly.” Deirdre says, peeling off her bloodied jacket and gloves as they enter the base.