Electricity stops sparking from the collars... Maybe that should have been plan A?

The third prison is able to grow more, their prison uniform tearing and the shape of their body changing as their skin turns a deep blood red.

First, it's as simple as an obviously masculine body becoming obviously feminine as muscle definition grows, then she starts hunching over as black hair grows in thick, her face elongates and fangs grow in. fingers and toes turn to claws, a tail sprouts from the base of the spine and rows of spikes form down the back...

After a few moments, what is obviously some kind of a giant werewolf is standing there.

"Ahh... That's much better," she says in a silky feminine voice that is absolutely jarring coming from such a large beast. "Sorry for being so snappy. I'm Roma Lupin... Or, I suppose you could call me Hellhound."

"God damn it all..." Charlotte takes a deep breath, and then it's like someone fooled around with the color settings. Her hair bleaches white, her skin turns dark grey and her irises turn red. Two red dots appear over each eye where her eyebrows would be if they hadn't vanished, and the sleeves on her uniform bulge and then shred as a second pair of arms tear out of her existing ones, meeting at the shoulder.

There's only the one way out, she says as she gestures to the hallway entrance and is obviously trying to avoid looking at the fresh corpse.

While taking the gun from the dead guard, Astraea gets a closer look at his uniform. It looks like standard armed guard stuff, psuedo-military suit with armor on the torso and a helmet, but there's a small logo, about maybe the size of two quarters, over his breast. It's blood-red, composed of nan oval with a horizontal line going through it and surrounded by triangles so that it forms a larger oval.


She might recognize it, or she might not, depending on how much she was tought about Ancient Greece's contact with Ancient Egypt.